LaaS Dynamics - Lenny

Experience with SMB's, Co-Ops, and Enterprise environments, I have had the pleasure of meeting wonderful people, working with different technologies, and seeing how that tech implementation has achieved business goals.

This will be my third business in a different industry now, and the goal is to simply connect with you, analyze your needs, and provide a solution that aligns with it.



LaaS Dynamics LLC

Created in early 2023 with the mindset of helping small to medium sized businesses with their cloud and security environment, the goal is simply that. LaaS Dynamics understands it is difficult to find people with specific cloud - in this case, Azure - and Security experience. It can also be very expensive! That is why we focus on being as efficient as possible, from the first meeting to the plan layout, to the implementation process. We want to make sure you get the best service, recommendations, and tech implementations for a fair price. Have questions on if we support something else not mentioned here? Let's connect and have a chat!

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